Since the start of February, these four words have been ringing in my spirit: Church Begins at Home! There is no church without a home.
Long before Jesus proclaimed His plan to build His Church in Matthew 16:18 or before the Church was birthed in Acts 2, God had already established the home in Genesis 2. The home predates the Church by thousands of years, and this is no coincidence. In God’s divine order, the home is the foundation upon which the Church is built. To build the Church, we must first build families, for we serve a God of families.
“At that time,” declares the LORD, “I will be the God of all the families of Israel, and they will be my people.” (Jeremiah 31:1)
“For this cause I bow my knees unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named…” (Ephesians 3:14-15)
The Home as the Starting Point
Church begins at home. Evangelism, discipleship, missions, victory, and success all begin at home because salvation begins at home. Whatever we want to see in the Church must first be cultivated in our homes.
- Want to see love in the Church? Bring it from home.
- Desire joy in the Church? Start with your home.
- Long for peace in the Church? Establish it at home.
The Church is not a building; it is a people—a living, breathing reflection of Christ in the world. Yet, many believers live fragmented lives, behaving one way at home and another at church. This duality creates what could be called “spiritual bipolarity,” where people act righteous in church but neglect Christ-like character in their homes.
So, who are we really? Who are we when we are at home? While we can put on a façade in public, the true measure of our faith is revealed in our private lives. As Jesus said to Zacchaeus, “Today salvation has come to this house…” (Luke 19:9). Similarly, Paul told the jailer, “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved—you and your household.” (Acts 16:31). Salvation is not meant to be confined to the church pews; it must permeate our homes.
God’s Divine Plan for the Home
Christianity begins at home. The home is God’s divine training ground for salvation and discipleship. God’s plan for the families that make up His Church is to be redeemed households with Christ at the center.
Consider this: even God honored His own design for the home by sending the Messiah into a family. Jesus, the Son of God, spent 30 years of His life in a family setting before beginning His public ministry. He only spent three and a half years in ministry. What does this teach us?
God is the God of families, and families hold a profound place in His heart.
The question we must ask ourselves is:
- What kind of husband or wife are you at home?
- What kind of parent or child are you in your family?
- Is your home a reflection of the Christ you profess in church?
God’s plan for His Church is built upon redeemed families who live out their faith at home. Let us embrace this higher calling and make our homes places where Christ dwells and His glory shines.
~ Tony Osuobeni