A Thousand Song Offering: How To Attract Divine Attention With Your Worship Kindle Edition




A Thousand Song Offering: How To Attract Divine Attention With Your Worship is a book written with the passion of a seasoned worshipper. Worship is one of the ships that drives the author. Anthony Osuobeni calls upon his readers to worship God extravagantly just like Solomon did at Gibeon. He avers that we do not worship God because we want God to bless us, but there is no way we worship God that He will not bless us. Worship attracts divine attention because it is focused on pleasing God—shaping the worth of God. Worship is the outward demonstration of an inner revelation. Worship is pouring out to God which is not possible without bringing our own thousand burnt offerings— paying the price—the price of worshipping God when there is no human reason to worship. Indeed, one act of worship flowing from the flames of a burning living sacrifice is equal to a thousand song offering!