For Couples Who Want To Make A Difference
Ministry is the act of serving or meeting a need. Marriage is, at its core, a call to service—serving God and serving one another. MARRIAGE IS A MINISTRY through and through. It is a divine call to help each other grow and improve, so together, the couple can fulfill God’s plans and purposes for their lives and their generation.
“Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labour. For if they fall, the one will lift up his fellow: but woe to him that is alone when he falleth; for he hath not another to help him up.” (Ecclesiastes 4:9-10)
It takes God to make marriage work—after all, marriage is His idea. But it also takes two people working together to lift each other up, to make each other better. Marriage is not just a partnership; it is your first and most important ministry.
— Generally, marriage is a journey toward becoming a better person, and your spouse is the companion who helps you along the way (Ecclesiastes 4:9-10).
— Marriage is also the journey of becoming one with God and with each other for the purpose of making a difference in the world (Genesis 2:24).
Here are 3 reasons why your marriage is your most important ministry:
1. Your marriage is a picture of the gospel
A healthy marriage is a reflection of the gospel. Just as God unites a man and woman together, Christ unites us to Himself. We are one with Him, receiving all His righteousness. He pursues us, loves us eternally, forgives us, and cares for us. When we are committed to our spouses, people are reminded of God’s eternal commitment to us.
2. Your marriage is sanctifying
Misprioritizing your marriage is also misprioritizing your sanctification because God uses marriage to shape us into His image. I know this personally, as my wife Ibiene has helped me grow in compassion, taught me to understand others’ thoughts and processes, and reminded me that the Christian life is full of joy.
3. Your marriage is your greatest gift to your children
Children are gifts to marriage, and the marriage must be a gift to them. A healthy marriage provides them with security and gives them a tangible picture of the gospel. When children see the love between their parents, they begin to understand God’s love for them. If you want your children to experience God’s love, be willing to fully and selflessly love your spouse. The family is the school of love.
The 3 ministries in your marriage
First, you serve God in your marriage by loving Him.
Your greatest contribution to your marriage is to love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and body. Your love for God will overflow into your love for your spouse, children, and family. This is the root of a godly relationship. As you grow in your love for God, you will naturally grow in your love for your spouse, better honoring your vows and nurturing your communication. Prayer with your spouse is also a vital part of keeping God at the center of your marriage and home.
Second, you serve your spouse by loving them.
Serving your spouse means being present when they need to talk, supporting their dreams, and showing care and affection. Another important way to serve is through intimacy, which strengthens trust and deepens the bond. The greatest service you can offer is praying for your spouse, bringing their needs and struggles before God. This is your key assignment as a husband or wife.
Third, you serve others by being an example.
Your marriage is a powerful testimony to others—whether to other couples, singles desiring marriage, or your children. Your behavior sets the standard for them to follow. How you treat your spouse, showing love, respect, and commitment, serves as a model for others to see what a healthy marriage looks like. Most importantly, your children learn from your example and will carry those lessons into their own marriages in the future.
Finally, you minister to yourself by being the best spouse you can be.
A strong marriage brings fulfillment and joy. One of the greatest assignments is focusing on improving yourself rather than trying to change your spouse. Be the change you want to see in your marriage. Be the love, peace, and joy you wish to experience. There is no greater ministry than this.
~ Tony Osuobeni