In Book 3, So Great Salvation, the author introduces the Doctrine of Redemption and continues to explore and expound upon the truths of the Goodnews of Jesus Christ. The scene is still set in God’s courtroom, where God sits as the Righteous Judge, presiding over the long-drawn-out case facilitated by His best Prosecutor, the Apostle Paul against the rational Gentile sinner and the religious Jewish sinner. God’s case against the reformed Gentile sinner is watertight. He doesn’t have an alibi. He cannot claim lack of jurisdiction against God, who as the Creator-Judge of the whole earth, exercises authority over people’s hearts everywhere. The case is under wraps, the verdict is out, and it is affirmed, GUILTY AS CHARGED. “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.” Romans 3:23. The sentence is based on truth according to God’s righteousness, people’s wrong deeds and it is without partiality. The author writes in a typical Pauline fashion, revealing the Gospel of Jesus Christ as the “Gospel of causes and consequences.” You shall be judged according to your deeds and or misdeeds and you shall reap what you sow regardless of who you are. Anthony Osuobeni is in the vanguard of truth, making the Christian message as clear as it can ever be. Now, the reader can begin to understand why the author says, If you get Romans God will get you. Get Romans, get all three books and watch out for more as the message continues to build up in the author’s personal studies. The Romans series have morphed into a full-blown Bible Study series and deservedly so.
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