The Truth About Leading Worship: How To Succeed As A Worship Leader




The Truth About Leading Worship, is another seminal work by a seasoned Worshipper and Worship Leader. This handbook on worship outlines the purpose of the worship ministry, as well as the significant role the worship leader plays in leading the local assembly into God’s presence. Worship leading occupies a central place in the weekly gathering of God’s people all over the world. Can you imagine your church without worship on a given Sunday? The gathering of the saints on Sundays is called a worship-service on purpose, because worship is what God’s people are about and it is what they do. While the preaching of the Word occupies a central place in our worship-services, corporate worship abides as the underlying current of the Sunday meeting. The role the worship leader, who by the way is a bona fide leader of the local assembly alongside the fivefold ministry gifts, is discussed in glowing terms, that leaves the reader without a doubt that worship leader is a God-ordained addition to the Body of Christ. The author presents worship as atmosphere created by the Holy Spirit, who is the Real Worship Leader. He also discusses the role the worship leader and the worship team plays in being led by the holy Spirit to use certain key biblical phenomena in creating the right atmosphere conducive to the worship that appeals to heaven.