If You Get Romans God Will Get You: Understanding The Good News Of Jesus Christ Paperback




Many revivals or reformations of the Christian faith throughout church history have been occasioned by the quickening of the great kingdom truths imbedded in the Book of Romans. No other book in the Bible contains the goldmine of Redemption’s riches like Romans. While Matthew, Mark, Luke and John tell Redemption’s story, Romans explains it. The historical significance of this very commanding book cannot be overemphasized. Unquestionably, Romans is the “Mother of all messages” regarding the Gospel of Jesus Christ. My purpose of writing this series is to add my two cents in deciphering the greatest message ever written. Because the message of Romans is sprawling and encompassing, I shall make this a series from chapter 1 to 12. This first book written as a prologue to the epistle, deals with pertinent introductory topics in Romans 1:1-16. You will learn the following; Change as the foundation of the Gospel; the Gospel is Character, Calling and Commitment; the Gospel is a Person, Prophecy and a Person. You will also learn that the Gospel is the apostle’s chief assignment, and it is the manifestation of the power of God. Indeed, “If you get Romans, God will get you!”